Four Indicators That We Should Treat One Another And Ourselves Better

We could all live in a better world, we all agree. We may try not to pass judgment on others too quickly, and we can be more patient and give to those who are in need.

Stefan Albescu
3 min readMar 28, 2024

All of this makes the world kinder and better. However, how do we handle ourselves — the person we spend twenty-four hours a day with?

1. You evaluate yourself against others all the time

You will never be content if you remind yourself over and over again that you will never be (any adjective) as X. Although it is our nature to categorize and name objects, people, and places, we cannot allow this to determine the worth of who we are.

Stop comparing yourself to other people if you catch yourself doing so, and instead concentrate on what makes you special.

2. You set standards for yourself that are not necessary for others to follow

Okay, so during a bad week, your best friend can take a break from cleaning to binge-watch her favorite show, but you can’t? While it is reasonable for a coworker to treat himself to a caramel cappuccino over lunch to rejuvenate himself, do you feel terrible the moment you bite into a square of dark chocolate? These rules are ridiculous. Not because you did them, but rather because they prevent you from unwinding and force you to act robotically.

You should start to question yourself when you begin to hold yourself to higher standards than you do other people. It is acceptable to err or to just be human. Because of the media, we live in a society where perfection is valued highly, and it’s easy to let regret be your excuse for not being good enough. You have to acknowledge that you can be perfectly content with the way you currently conduct business and that these criteria are absurd.

3. You become lost in ethereal objectives

It’s critical to assess our objectives to gauge our progress. However, if control is lost, goal-setting can be disastrous for one’s mental health. For example, calculating calories, kilos, and kilometers might be helpful when discussing physical shape, but relying too much on figures can become risky. Be gentler with yourself and abandon quantitative objectives in favor of a qualitative assessment of your pleasure and well-being.

4. You don’t value your good qualities

Even if I completed a lot of tasks for the previous day, the days still go by one after the other, and so do the to-do lists! When he does something nice, not everyone feels good about themselves. Of course, you don’t have to host a party to show your appreciation for something worthwhile, beneficial, or constructive that you accomplish.

For this, you can keep a thankfulness journal: Every day, write two or three items that demonstrate how you care for yourself or other people. Rate your performance as positive.

Thanks for reading!

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Stefan Albescu

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