When is The Ideal Time to Have Coffee in The Morning? Here is The Explanation.

Professor Thomas Merritt of Laurentian University is a geneticist. Based on his studies, he suggests that individuals can safely use up to 200 mg of caffeine daily.

Stefan Albescu
3 min readMar 16, 2024
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When is the ideal time to have coffee in the morning? Why is it crucial that you drink this beverage at a specific time? How many of us don’t head straight to the kitchen to make coffee in the morning, as without it, the day doesn’t begin? To be more energized, people consume this drink first thing in the morning.

Give yourself at least an hour before consuming your daily coffee.

But consuming an espresso at eight in the morning might not be the best way to combat drowsiness. You might want to wait at least an hour before consuming anything caffeinated, rather than reaching for the coffee pot with one hand while simultaneously turning off the alarm clock with the other.

It’s easy to explain: if you align your coffee consumption with your body’s normal cortisol cycles, you run the risk of overindulging and developing an insensitivity to the stimulant’s effects.

Why is coffee not a good idea in the morning?

Coffee should not be consumed right after waking up because it will interfere with the cortisol cycle’s peak. One hormone that aids in waking and maintaining wakefulness is cortisol. Cortisol levels rise in the early morning and peak at about 8 a.m., then gradually decrease throughout the day to reach their lowest position at midnight.

Coffee aids in our waking. However, the body’s cortisol level is at its peak in the initial hours following wakefulness. We will therefore offer the body a double morning boost, which it is unlikely to fully utilize. And we can feel extremely sleepy after the effects of the cortisol and caffeine wear off in a few hours.

Furthermore, the benefits of both cortisol and a strong cup of coffee may be less felt when combined. High levels of caffeine have been found in studies to reduce cortisol activation, which means we won’t require as much of a dose in the morning.

When is the best time to have coffee in the morning?

The cortisol levels start to decline sharply around ten o’clock. At this point, the effects of caffeine won’t be dependent on peak cortisol levels. Moreover, aim to have your final cup of coffee around two or three in the afternoon to allow cortisol levels to decrease and adenosine, which promotes sleep, to accumulate.

Although there is a general pattern to cortisol levels, each experiences variations in timing. The ideal diet for sleep is a healthy one, so keep that in mind when you calculate how much caffeine you take each day.

How much coffee is enough for us?

Professor Thomas Merritt of Laurentian University is a geneticist. Based on his studies, he suggests that individuals can safely use up to 200 mg of caffeine daily. The caffeine standards published by Health Canada state that, depending on the brewing method, a cup of coffee may contain anywhere from 118 to 179 mg of caffeine.

About 150 milligrams of caffeine are found in a double shot of espresso, which is more potent than plain brewed coffee. Health Canada suggests that women who are not pregnant or nursing should consume up to 400 mg of caffeine daily. Most people can generally handle one to four cups of coffee each day without experiencing any jitters.

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Stefan Albescu

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